Sunday, June 19, 2011

mensagem de amor emocionante

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  • ab_tak_chappan
    08-14 08:54 PM
    gave a green to chaanakya

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  • trevor
    01-14 02:39 PM
    filed a WoM (writ of Mandamus) in New York..what a joke..FBI Name check delay for 5 years !!!!

    Time to wake up FBI/USCIS

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  • Macaca
    02-06 10:21 AM
    The only problem may be in finding a school district willing to file H1 WELL in advance and accepting the fact that she cannot start working on SEP 1st (when the new school year starts) but OCT 1st.

    School is non-profit organization that is exempt from H1B quota. Correct me if I am wrong.

    You can get H1B at any time if school is exempt from H1B quota.

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  • mpadapa
    06-13 01:58 PM
    USCIS doesn't write the law they just follows the law. Excluding depends needs legislative fix. IV has been representing the "Exclude dependents" theme but it is not finding much traction with the lawmakers. Currently what is consensus among lawmakers are part of the 3 Lofgren bills. Let us call our House representative and CHC members and ask them to support the 3 bills.

    Everyone especially EB3 will benefit if the bills are passed.

    I think this is a valid point. We should request from USCIS to treat the employment base category same as other category. I am not sure that USCIS could fix this by themselves or they need any legislation.

    This will be a big relief for us and will fix our 50% backlog.


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  • Hassan11
    07-18 10:58 AM

    Can you make what you wrote here in your reply in a form of a letter and create a petition to be signed by IV members ( just like this petition fighting Lou Dobbs). then your petition will be mailed to all media outlets. I really like what you wrote and I think if baked by IV we can sign it as a petition and send it to explain our cause to the media and the American people that might not be aware of our situation.

    the revised version is more pointed.

    Here are a few other points to consider and highlight:
    - That the woes of legal high skilled immigrants are completely forgotten
    - Despite the fact that they pay taxes, social security etc
    - They represent a continued American heritage of immigrants chasing the Great American Dream

    While H1B workers might appear to 'displace US workers', the crux of the issue is that in order for US companies to remain innovative and competitive they cannot afford to take a hoary protectionist policy in talent management.

    High skilled talent finds level ground, wherever it might be.

    While the old world order was about national boundaries and international competition amongst countries, the new world order is about a flat world where transnational collaboration and commerce can enable wealth and job creation in any part of the world!

    The presence of high skilled foreign workers INSIDE the US
    - ensures that jobs remain in the US
    - ensures that resultant taxes remain in the US
    - ensures that resultant investments target the US economy
    - apart from ensuring US competitive and commercial advantage

    The oft repeated arguments about 'local talent being available but not tapped' is borne out of a sense of elitist entitlement; something that runs counter to the great American Dream and the quest for constant innovation, creation, improvement and execution.

    The need of the hour should be on how to enable successful assimilation of high skilled labor and talent into the US economy such that the economic engines of efficient productivity are not hampered by artificial tarrifs and barriers borne out of a broken immigration system.

    The quest for a color-blind, talent-oriented, country-agnostic immigration system has a long and sometimes troubling, history.

    While the old world afforded the luxury of years to rectify imblances and imperfections in policy constructs, the new world leaves little room for inefficient alignment of policies.

    The need to fix a broken legal immigration system is as much an economic reality as it is to address detrimental effects in womens' rights (spouses' rights), labor rights and free markets.

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  • jelo
    04-27 12:58 PM
    I am not talking like anyone, just expressing my views. Please refrain your self from pointing fingers to any member. I did not come through a consulting company, hope this makes you happy.

    mr Ganduteli please dont make comments on either visa status, my wife or any substitute labor as none of them apply to my case.

    likewise please do not generalize any working type or business which is legally allowed to operate in US just because you are not working for that.
    Please restrain from posting anything negative which will not help anybody.


    mensagem de amor emocionante. de amor com mensagens
  • de amor com mensagens

  • priti8888
    07-26 12:16 AM
    Hi Priti, thanks for the reply. However my fear is that what you say is not true. I am on my 7th yr extension of H1B and my lawyer has told me that once I apply for 485, I can NOT keep renewing my H1B. That is why he insisted on applying for AP.

    Is this information correct? Can someone PLEASE clarify??? :confused:

    As far as I know you can extend your H1B by 3 years IF you have your I485 receipt number.Ask your lawyer about this.

    well the problem will be that inspite of your 485 pending status..u will not be able to take advantage of EAD. Once you start using EAD your spouse's non-immigrant visa status(H4 status) will become invalid. That means once you work on EAD you will not be able to bring your wife here. As long as you do not work on EAD, you can have both H1(3 years) and EAD. .

    If your PD is eb3 India 05 or 06 you dont have anything to worry about for at least a year or two.

    2010 mensagem de amor emocionante. mensagem de amor emocionante. mensagem de amor emocionante.
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  • mrajatish
    04-18 11:35 AM
    How about this - let us have a couple of volunteers call/email people asking for $25 contribution. If we can get 1/2 of 3000 people contributing $25 each, we will get to about 120K. I am ready to take initiative in this - core group, can I get this initiative going?


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  • mhathi
    06-05 06:20 PM
    Called all of the representatives on the list and left voicemails for legal reps. I have voted on the poll.


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  • Legal
    11-06 02:03 PM
    Actually, not all he said was wrong.

    I totally support reform in the H1 process with a target to reduce fraud. That will ultimately benefit people like us who will come here on H1B in future.

    Please don't fire me for taking his side, I'm not. I'm in favour of market deciding what it needs, but I'm 100% against fraud, and all of know these so called consulting companies ARE indulging in fraud..

    These sentiments are understandable.....but......

    "I know the American people want a sensible system in place that gives their children a chance at these highly skilled jobs".

    Here at best he is massively overblowing/ magnifying the abuse.
    So the American children "don't have a chance" (?!!) now and these "reforms" will give them a chance?

    I know groups that represent workers and visa holders want reforms
    Interesting to note that he is even aware that visa holders want reforms. But we shouldn't be surprised if he and Dick intoduce a new bill offering stringent H1B restrictions with very little or no scope for EB backlog elimination.


    mensagem de amor emocionante. Marista foi emocionante.
  • Marista foi emocionante.

  • singhsa3
    03-13 01:06 PM
    This my copyright and very much pertain to our situation:
    I left my world in search of prosperity
    The prosperity is taking an eternity
    My struggle is long and daunting
    Making it more and more frustrating

    Life at times seems uncontrollable
    Flowing with the time unstoppable
    Graying hairs testify for the feeling
    Fat belly making me further unappealing

    Sometimes I think of going back
    Try to gather the courage that I lack
    But the world I left is not the same any more.
    And the world I am in, has lost its lure.

    I am on the crossroad of my life
    One is forward, one is left and other is right.
    I don’t like the choices shown
    May be I would have to create a world of my own


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  • Green.Tech
    06-05 11:11 PM
    IV is the only organization that has come forward for the plight of the highly skilled community.

    These bills are the closest we have come to the recognition of legal immigration as a whole.

    If you can't recognize and seize this opportune moment even now, when will you?


    house mensagem de amor emocionante. mensagem de amor emocionante. mensagem de amor emocionante.
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  • tonyHK12
    03-29 03:27 PM
    thanks for contributing gclabor07. We have reached only about 50% of our funding goal

    tattoo mensagem de amor emocionante. mensagem de amor emocionante. Emocionante.
  • Emocionante.

  • SGP
    03-29 03:18 PM
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD AFTERNOON GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    Dear IV Members,

    If you believe that your success depends on your immigration process - whether it's the ability to file I-485 earlier or to get green-card and citizenship sooner or whether it's the ability of your spouse to work - then you have to believe that your success somehow depends on the success of Immigration voice and these 170 volunteers in DC next week.
    As you may know, we are just one more week away from hosting Advocacy day in Washington DC where about 170 members of Immigration Voice will conduct nearly 250 meetings with offices of Senators and Congressmen. Such events cost money. If we have enough contributions, we can spend as per our budget of nearly $ 50,000. If not, we will have to cut back on the event spending and reduce the magnitude and size of the event.
    If you are not coming to DC next week, please do your part and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. It not only finances the event properly, it instills pride and confidence in the members who will be there in DC that there are thousands of willing supporters behind them who could not be there physically but are 100% with them in their determination and resolve.

    For background click here -> Announcement about April 2011 Advocacy Days (
    Contribute to Advocacy Event on the Capitol Hill ( (All one-time contributions will go towards organizing the Advocacy Days event)


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  • bitu72
    07-12 11:41 AM
    this is what i get from my lawyer...

    It is our understanding that USCIS/Immigration has "unofficially" reversed its decision regarding rejections for I-485 filings for July.

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  • trueguy
    08-12 02:02 PM

    Once the Break is Over in 2nd week of September, We all should call members of congress , as many as possible, to get their Support for Visa Recapture Bill. If that bill passes, it will help all the EB categories.

    Chances of this bill passing through all the steps are very slim in this year.


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  • sureshn22
    12-13 10:04 PM

    My wife appeared for Visa interview on 6th and yet to receive the passport. we booked tickets for this weekend and seems we have to reschedule. I sent a mail to NIV and no response as of now.This is of concern. can anyone tell me about the normal turnaround time for H4 Visas these days?


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  • syzygy
    01-31 01:22 PM
    They might have voted by mistake. I did that mistake. So don't think too much in negative territory instead get as many hit as possible on poll site.

    just curious to know what is the reason that 22 people till now didn't vote for the question ... what do you think could be the reason ...

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  • trueguy
    08-13 10:35 AM

    Now we have poll results. What does these number mean to us? Any action item?

    05-24 05:33 PM
    You can call Jose in Mexico and they ll deliver a passport in less than a week. ALL WE NEED IS TO REGISTER A LAWN MOWING FIRM and then BILL THE CLIENT at 100$/Hr for first designing the plan for the mowing on a computer and then getting a MEXICAN to do it for us. ...;-)

    AM I BEING REVERSE RACIST? AM I BAD? I think its healthy to speak your mind out against opression based on RACE

    Hope I did not offend any one ...I was just frustrated when I made my statements ..

    09-17 11:34 AM
    steve king earlier said he was OK with ammendent.

    seems Lofgren's stroger and is proposing hte ammendment for 6020.

    hoping she gets upper hand in 5882 as well :)

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